Arco Group


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ARCOGROUP was founded in 1950 under the name and style of ABDUL REHMAN & CO. The main business of this firm was dealing with the fruit and textile sector. With the efficient and honest efforts of our team and with the aim of betterment of society ARCOGROUP stepped in establishing small scale industries. In 1998 ARCOGROPUP started the tea factory under the name and style of “KASHMIR TEA FACTORY” at Zainkot HMT. This was our big success to our group and we gave a lot of employment to the unemployed youth. In 1995 ARCOGROUP gets engaged in the Flour industry under the name of “ARCO FLOUR” and in the year 2002 the ARCOGROUP started manufacturing plywood under the name of “ARCO PLYWOOD”. The biggest achievement to the ARCOGROUP was entering into the cement production and having grand success in this sector.



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